we dont make any money out of the blog to pay for the kind of bandwith we'd need. and for people who have wondered, this is why we've never had a proper podcast for our mixes. in a world where capitalism dominates, it is nice to have some spaces like this where it is not about money. and we are proud of the fact that there is no advertising on this site. even if the execution isn't always there, our hearts are in the right place. i know sometimes we do stuff that doesn't quite work or pisses people off, but we will keep experimenting and trying different things. this all gives us confidence in what we are doing. the amount of readers we are getting is now almost double this time last year, and we are getting hits from about 100 different countries. both pete and myself are very proud of how the blog has developed and 2009 has been a great year for us. Throughout all the highs, lows, and instability, one constant throughout 2009 has been mnml ssgs and the network of friends and contributors around it. exhausted, beaten (but not totally broken) and chastened, i have made it through the year in one piece (just), and now very much looking forward to 2010. for someone who always tries to be in control, it has been very difficult trying to deal with constantly feeling like i was not in control, as was the case for much of 2009.

there have been some amazing highs and these have been matched by some equally strong low points. intense is definitely the right word to describe 2009. i am just starting to recover from much of it and beginning to process a lot of what has happened. it feels like i have had about 2-3 years worth of experiences within the last 12 months. for me, this year has been incredibly intense. Given the amount of time i've spent travelling this year, this picture i took on one of my many flights felt appropriate for my final post for 2009.